This guide will list several possible ways to fix any latency or crashes you maybe encountering in-game. Windows 10/11:Disable Hyper-V Step 1: Search for add or remove programs and hit enter Step 2: Click Programs and Features Step 3: Click Turn…

This guide will list several possible ways to fix any latency or crashes you maybe encountering in-game. Windows 10/11:Disable Hyper-V Step 1: Search for add or remove programs and hit enter Step 2: Click Programs and Features Step 3: Click Turn…
In this guide I will be going through all of the major updates Global Maplestory and Maple Sea has recieved along with links to all of my guides available that have been updated to 2022. Please note this guide will be…
I will be going through a short guide on how to unlock chaos Papulatus for both the normal daily version and the chaos weekly version for 2022. You can access chaos/normal Papulatus via the party window > boss tab > Papulatus…
Various prequests are required to unlock hard magnus as a weekly boss. You can access hard magnus after completing all quests via the party window then boss tab and magnus icon. Hard magnus can be completed once a week where as…
Akechi is a boss that can be accessed via party window under boss tab. How to Enter Akechi Mitsuhide Boss You must finish all of the asura crisis quests in order to unlock akechi as a weekly boss. if the GO…
The housing update has been added to Global Maplestory with it comes alot of new things to collect and earn. First of all accept the quest called [Home] Intro to Interior Design and go through the cutscenes and questline. Enter your…
For those new to this event you must follow several things in order. You must do each mission in order and each mission must be done with a different character (9 Characters in Total). The job bonus tab represents the bonus…
To begin the event go to your star icon and click on the quest [Maple Live] A where where everyone is a star Click the button shown below to view your progress and accept any quest for [Maple Live] Under the…
In your guild window press Guild Contents then Progress Button Click on Enter under Culvert to run your GPQ. GPQ is once a week solo Flag Race is hosted on the hour every hour at xx:30 . You require 1 weekly…