I will be going through a short guide on how to unlock chaos Papulatus for both the normal daily version and the chaos weekly version for 2022. You can access chaos/normal Papulatus via the party window > boss tab > Papulatus…

I will be going through a short guide on how to unlock chaos Papulatus for both the normal daily version and the chaos weekly version for 2022. You can access chaos/normal Papulatus via the party window > boss tab > Papulatus…
Various prequests are required to unlock hard magnus as a weekly boss. You can access hard magnus after completing all quests via the party window then boss tab and magnus icon. Hard magnus can be completed once a week where as…
Akechi is a boss that can be accessed via party window under boss tab. How to Enter Akechi Mitsuhide Boss You must finish all of the asura crisis quests in order to unlock akechi as a weekly boss. if the GO…
Original Guide From http://maple-unlike.weebly.com/pink-bean-prequest-guide.html Be prepared for a MEGA LONG chain quest. This prequest requiresa lot of time and patience so work towards it gradually to completion, no rush… PART 1Head off to the Temple of Time from Leafre Station and talk to NPC Temple Keeper to get…
Enter the Gollux map via dimensional portal or accept the gollux quest via lightbulb. Talk to the npc to start the questline which is only a few cut-scenes. Afterwards you can then gollux! When defeating gollux, there is a chance of…
Check Out the Commerci Pre-quest guide by clicking here Basically you talk to NPC Fiametta after finishing prequests daily and go on voyages to collect denaros as well as unlock other parts of the map Click Enter Trade for Solo Runs…
This guide will go through on how to challenge Vellum, Pierre, Von Bon, and Crimson Queen. This pre-quest is real important to complete and is required in order to collect the Root Abyss Set and Fafnir weapons. Pre-Quest Click on the…
PREREQUISITES Before Starting: Before doing any of the steps below please be sure to do the questlines for Haven and Deserted Camp. You will also be required to finish various Acts for Damien and Lotus. You can complete these acts via…