Maplestory Chaos Papulatus Prequest Guide 2022

I will be going through a short guide on how to unlock chaos Papulatus for both the normal daily version and the chaos weekly version for 2022.

You can access chaos/normal Papulatus via the party window > boss tab > Papulatus

Head to Ludibrium Path of time and talk to Mr. Bouffon

Select the [Papulatus] The Light Of Chaos. Then talk to Ghost Hunter Bob. Make sure to grab both quests [Star Force] Jolting Spirit Detector and [Papulatus] Jolting Spirit Detector. Be sure to finish the Star Force quest first its easy to do and is required for the next quest.

Afterwards talk with Flo and accept the quest [Papulatus] Dispersed Star Fragments. You can collect these 20 fragments from Warped Path of time <1> or <2> right on the next map of Warped Path of Time.

After completing this quest you will unlock [Papulatus] The Main Culprit. Talk to Flo and Mr. Bouffon.

You will now unlock [Papulatus] Troublemaker Papulatus. In order to finish this quest you must defeat Papulatus (Easy,Normal, Or hard) once and as well head to Ludibrium Warped Passage to defeat gatekeeper or Thanatos to get a Ludibrium Medal.

Talk to Mr. Bouffon again one last time to finish every prequest for Papulatus.

You can now enter Papulatus via party > boss window daily for normal and once a week for chaos!