These articles will be posted from time to time to prepare players with what they should be aware of in future updates and what items to collect.
On February 9th we will be getting the ChuChu Event shop + OZ Revamp update.
A link to everything that will possible be added next month:
KMS ver. 1.2.353 – Chu Chu Food Festival | Orange Mushroom’s Blog
Things to take note and buy:
Overall this patch is great for those wanting to level legion and mules with all those growth pots.
There are two currencies the first chuchu coin you will cap like normal by killing monsters or playing mini games. Then once you cap coins for the day you must then make a sandwich for the sandwich coins. You just have to click the icons to make a sandwich nothing else.
Each small sandwich rewards 2 coins per day and 4 for the larger sandwiches. These coins can be used to buy the following:
Sandwich coins aka Chewrup coins:
Extreme Growth Potion (141~199): 1 Chewrup Coin [limit of 30 per world] 1-10 lvls
Growth Potion 1 (200~209): 2 Chewrup Coins [limit of 10 per world]
Growth Potion 2 (210~219): 6 Chewrup Coins [limit of 5 per world]

I’m not 100% sure but I believe the max cherup / sandwich coins are 30 in the event so choose wisely what you would like to buy for growth pots.
Regular Coin Shop:
The following are some items I recommend buying from the Coin Shops
Extreme Growth Potion (200 coins) [limit of 30 per world] 141-200 1-10 lvls
Event Ring Only Meister Cube (100 coins) [limit of 50]
100% Karma Unique Potential Scroll (4000 coins) [limit of 1 per world]
Karma Meister Cube (150 coins) [limit of 30 per world]
60% Karma Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness (100 coins) [limit of 200 per world]
Chairs and Mounts in the shop:

Possible Fairy Bros 60min Login next patch as well (uncofirmed):
Not confirmed by Nexon America but I believe we should get another daily fairy bros login event again.
The one in KMS gave alot of nice stuff like VIP royal coupons and dmg skin unit boxes + mount boxes.
Heres a preview of the items:

9 Stamps: Fairy Bros’ Selective Face Coupon Voucher
18 Stamps: Fairy Bros’ Selective Hair Coupon Voucher
27 Stamps: Random Colour Change Voucher
36 Stamps: Wonky’s Wings Voucher
45 Stamps: Thunder Flower Fox Riding Voucher (a riding that allows you to use the Teleport World Map feature with a 30-minute cooldown for 90 days)
54 Stamps: Mannequin Voucher
63 Stamps: Soft/Blushing Flower Petal Skin Voucher
72 Stamps: 10 Extreme Growth Potions Voucher
81 Stamps: Selective Fairy Bro Weapon Voucher
90 Stamps: Selective New Snow Head Accessory Voucher
99 Stamps: Fairy Bros’ Selective Riding Box
108 Stamps: Selective Heroes Name Tag/Chat Bubble Ring Voucher
117 Stamps: Selective Fairy Bros’ Damage Skin (Unit) Box
126 Stamps: Custom Mix Dye Coupon
135 Stamps: Maximum Growth Potion Voucher
Hair And eyes from VIP Royal

DMG Skin, Mount and Other Previews